CEO Newsletter #2: Ringing in 2024 with Cowbell

CEO Newsletter #2: Ringing in 2024 with Cowbell

Hi Cowbell friends -

It's amazing to think that this time last year, my team and I were still in the plant lab solving physics & fluid mechanics mysteries and overcoming manufacturing hurdles. 

I had no idea that in a short 6 months since our summer 2023 launch, we'd be live with 3 products, sold in 12+ retail shops, be featured in tech and lifestyle media like Katie CouricWIREDCountry Living, and AFAR, and have organically reached hundreds of thousands of homes, helping plant owners like you keep your plants greener and homes healthier while staying true to our 1% For The Planet sustainability pledge. 

Every month, we pack newsletters with Cowbell updates, plant care tips, VIP promos, and upcoming events. We have so much in store for 2024 that we can't wait to share with you through these newsletters. Thank you for supporting our start-up journey in 2023, and cheers to a greener new year!

1) Upcoming Event: Tamiami Int'l Orchid Festival

Come see us at the Tamiami International Orchid Festival in Florida from January 12-14! We plan to have a limited number of our Cowbell Minis at the festival (currently sold out online!) We have a few complimentary tickets available; if you'd like to attend, please send an email to and let us know which day you'd like to attend. Otherwise, you can purchase tickets here. If there's an event in your area that you think we should attend, please let us know. 

2) Restocking: Cowbell Minis

We just can't seem to keep these in stock! They've sold out again and we're planning to restock in early February. Place your pre-orders in now to lock in free shipping and 10% off on 2-packs and 20% off on 4-packs before they sell out again!

3) Plant Care Tip: Dealing with Spider Mites

If you've been gardening for awhile, you've likely encountered the dreaded spider mite. Many of you have asked how we deal with these infestations, so we wanted to share our organic homemade pesticide that works for our aroids. For those fortunate enough to never have encountered these gremlins, they're tiny pin-sized black or white bugs often found on the underside of leaves, draining your leaves' chlorophyll. You'll know your infestation is bad if you spot them spinning dense webs around your leaves. Left untreated, spider mites spell certain death for your plants. For our pesticide, we use 1 part molasses (found in the baking aisle of grocery stores) + 1 part H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) + 16 parts water. Mix well in a spray bottle and spray leaves generously for 3 days in a row (especially the underside of leaves). We find this works better than Neem Oil or most other chemical-based pesticides. 

4) Cowbell Customers Unite on YouTube

We've loved seeing all of the honest review videos and unboxings you've shared across Instagram, Flip and Tik Tok. We've consolidated our favorites on Cowbell's new YouTube channel. Check them out here! And please keep them coming in 2024!

5) 2,590 Native Plants of Los Angeles 

We were inspired by this recent article about Matt Smith who is photographing every plant native to California. You can follow his journey here and on Instagram here.

6) Cowbell FAQ: Is it normal for my Cowbell to drain in less than a week?

Yes, it's normal for your Cowbell to drain in a few days on the first couple of uses if your plant has been chronically underwatered or your plant is in a larger than 8" planter. If you continue to refill your Cowbell and train your plant to self-regulate, it should eventually stabilize to last 2 weeks or more. If your plant is in a smaller than 8" planter and is draining in less than 24 hours, kindly check for leaks; make sure that the spike is on as tightly as possible and the lid is securely sealed!

7) Cowbell In Good Company

Did you know you can find Cowbell products in stores in SF, Los Angeles, NYC, the Hamptons, and Seattle? We're so grateful for our retail partners around the country. Support local small businesses and pick up a unique plant gift! If you think we need to be in a plant shop near you, please let us know at

8) Leave us a review!

If you've purchased a Cowbell and love it, please leave us a review on the website! It helps our business grow and really helps potential customers!

9) Cowbell Plant Time Lapse videos

We love making time lapse videos of different plants drinking from and growing on Cowbell. You can find our latest time lapses on Instagram here and here and here!


When you subscribed to the Cowbell Plant Club, we promised we'd only send you the good stuff. If you have any requests for what you'd like to read about in future newsletters, please let us know! If you'd like to leave us, you can always unsubscribe below.

Happy new year and happy planting,

Jeanna (and the Cowbells)

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